Welcome and thank you for visiting the official McKendree Men's Basketball Camps Website!
For more information on our camps and clinics explore the tabs to the left
McKendree Men's Basketball is inviting all AAU/Club basketball team members to come out and join us for our Competitive Edge Camp from July 15th-19th. If three campers on the same aau/club team follow these registration rules they'll receive $10 off their registration!
In order to qualify for this promo you must
-Email camp director Seth Jackson sajackson@mckendree.edu up until June 30th.
-Provide contact info (Phone # and email) of their child's aau/club team head coach.
-List the names of each camper and their parents.
-Register for the full day camp (Session 1 and 2).
Once we have confirmed that all three players recently played for their specified team we will send you a promo code that can be entered online at our camp website http://uuxty.fudanunivalum.org
If you have any questions regarding the registration process please email Seth Jackson at sajackson@mckendree.edu
We'll have a fun week full of competition, games, and prizes for our Bearcat Campers. Hope to see you there!